
The bureau is like the FRDO-CFDD's board of directors.

The bureau is responsible for directing the council. Among other things, the bureau takes care of preparing and monitoring the general meetings, coordinating the advisory and dialogue processes, managing the organisation, recruiting staff, taking practical decisions and leading the secretariat.

The bureau meets almost every month.

Composition of the bureau

  • President: Patrick Dupriez
  • Vice-presidents: Bart Vannetelbosch | Vanessa Biebel | Arnaud Collignon
  • Employers’ organisations: Ineke De Bisschop (VBO-FEB) | Piet Vanden Abeele (UNIZO)
  • Trade unions: Luca Ciccia (CSC-ACV) | Sacha Dierckx (FGTB-ABVV)
  • Environmental organisations: Benjamin Clarysse (BBL)
  • Developmental NGOs: Naima Charkaoui (11.11.11) | Nicolas Van Nuffel (CNCD-11.11.11)
  • Scientific world: Brent Bleys (UGent) | Delphine Misonne (Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles) | Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou (UCLouvain)
  • Representative of Her Majesty the Queen: Jean-Louis Six
  • Secretariat: Marc Depoortere (Director) | Fabrice Dehoux (Secretary)

Comments, questions or suggestions?