Composition of the council

The composition of the FRDO-CFDD General Assembly reflects broad civil society.

The composition of the Federal Council for Sustainable Development (FRDO-CFDD) is defined in the Act of 5 May 1997 on coordination of federal policy on sustainable development and further elaborated in the Royal Decree of 18 July 2012.

The members of the FRDO-CFDD make up the General Assembly. 24 members have voting rights*.


1 honorary president

  • Her Majesty the Queen of the Belgians

1 president*

  • Patrick Dupriez

3 vice-presidents*

  • Arnaud Collignon | Bart Vannetelbosch | Vanessa Biebel

3 representatives of the NGOs for environmental protection*

  • Effectives: Eva JOSKIN (CANOPEA) | Raf PAULY (BRAL) | Benjamin CLARYSSE (BBL)
  • Substitutes: X (CANOPEA) | Cataline SENECHAL (IEB) | Tycho VAN HAUWAERT (BBL)

3 representatives of the NGOs for development cooperation*

  • Effectives: Nicolas VANNUFFEL (CNCD-11.11.11) | Naima CHARKAOUI (11.11.11) | Jonathan MATTHYSEN (Oxfam Belgium)
  • Substitutes: Nicolas Bormann (CNCD-11.11.11) | Kiki BERKERS (11.11.11) | Alba Saray PÉREZ TERÁN (Oxfam Belgium)

6 representatives of the trade unions*

  • Substitutes: Renaat HANSSENS (ACV) | Fien VANDAMME (ACV) | Maresa LE ROUX (ACLVB) | Celien VANMOERKERKE (ABVV) | Maarten BOGHAERT (ACLVB) | Caroline VERDOOT (FGTB)

6 representatives of the employers’ organisations*

  • Substitutes: Patrick VAN DEN BOSSCHE (AGORIA) | Silvia DOGA (UCM) | Saskia WALRAEDT (Essenscia) | Pieter VERHELST (Boerenbond) | Monica DE JONGHE (FEB) | Vincent DEBLOCQ (FEBEG)

2 representatives of the youth organisations*

  • Effectives: Daan VANDENBERGHE (Vlaamse Jeugdraad) | Jean SERVAIS (Forum des Jeunes)
  • Substitutes: Ange NSANZINEZA (Vlaamse Jeugdraad) | Camille BIOT (Forum des Jeunes)

2 representatives of consumer organisations

  • Effectives: Bert STEVENS (AB-REOC) | Carine DESCHAMPS (Test Achats)
  • Substitutes: Leen DE CORT (BV-OECO) | Lisa MAILLEUX (Test Achats)

6 representatives of the scientific circles

  • Prof. Delphine Misonne (Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, FUSL)
  • Prof. Patrick Van Damme (UGent)
  • x
  • Prof. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou (Université Catholique de Louvain, UCL)
  • Prof. Brent Bleys (Universiteit Gent, UGent)
  • Prof. Farid Dahdouh-Guebas (Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB)

a representative for each of the federal ministers and secretaries of state

  • Nele Roobrouck (Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo)
  • X (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy and Employment, Pierre-Yves Dermagne)
  • Olivier Lohest (Deputy Prim Minister and Minister for the Self-Employed, SMEs and Agriculture, Institutional Reforms Democratic Renewal, David Clarinval)
  • Mattijs Van Miert (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mobility, Georges Gilkinet)
  • Sven Vaneycken (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, in charge of the Coordination of the Fight against Fraud and in charge of the National Lottery, Vincent Van Peteghem)
  • Jan Schaerlaekens (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, Frank Vandenbroucke)
  • X (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration, Public Enterprises, Telecommunication and the Postal Services, Petra De Sutter)
  • Bram Delvaux  (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice and the North Sea, Paul Van Tigchelt)
  • Anne Junion (Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade and the Federal Cultural Institutions, Bernard Quintin)
  • Alexandre Carleer (Minister of Pensions and Social Integration, in charge of Persons with Disabilities, Combating Poverty and Beliris, Karine Lalieux)
  • X (Minister of Defence, Ludivine Dedonder)
  • Bernard Mazijn (Minister of the Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal, Zakia Khattabi)
  • X (Minister of the Interior, Institutional Reform and Democratic Renewal, Annelies Verlinden)
  • Olivier Thery (Minister of Development Cooperation and of the Major Cities Policy, Caroline Gennez)
  • X (Minister of Energy, Tinne Van der Straeten)
  • Anton Muyldermans (State
    Secretary for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investments, in charge of Science Policy, added to the Minister of the Economy and Employment, Thomas Dermine)
  • Virginie Fillieux (State Secretary for Digitization, in charge of Administrative Simplification, Privacy and Buildings Administration added to the Prime Minister, Mathieu Michel)
  • Sophie Poidlins (State Secretary for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity, added to the Minister of Mobility, Marie-Colline Leroy)
  • Stefan Arts (State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, added to the Minister of Home Affairs, Institutional Reform and Democratic Renewal, Nicole de Moor)
  • X (State Secretary for the Budget and Consumer Protection, added to the Minister of
    Justice and the North Sea, Alexia Bertrand)

a representative for every Region or Community

  • Daniel Hilligsmann (Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft)
  • Myriam Hilgers (Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest)
  • Sandrine Yodts (French community)
  • Ilse Dries (Vlaams Gewest)
  • Liesbeth Schruers (Vlaamse Gemeenschap)
  • Natacha Zuinen (Walloon Region)

other observers

  • Jean-Louis Six (observing member of the bureau in the name of HM the Queen)
  • Maggi Poppe (Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad)
  • Dieter Vander Beke (Federaal Instituut voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling)
  • Cédric Van de Walle (Federaal Instituut voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling)
  • Patricia Delbaere (Federaal Planbureau)
  • Arnaud Deplae (CESE)
  • Jan Verheeke (Milieu- en Natuurraad van Vlaanderen, MiNa-raad)
  • Kris Degroote (Centrale Raad voor het Bedrijfsleven, CRB)
  • Pieter Kerremans (Sociaal-Economische Raad van Vlaanderen, SERV)
  • Marie-Hélène Lahaye (Brupartners)
  • Bastien Fievet (CERBC-RLBHG)
  • Henk Van Hootegem (Combat Poverty, Insecurity and Social Exclusion Service)
  • Salma Haouach (Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique asbl)
  • Thomas Stoerk (National Bank of Belgium)
  • Olivier Magritte and Charlotte Aelbrecht (Belgian Disability Forum)

Pool of associate scientists

In order to strengthen the scientific quality of the Council’s work, the FRDO-CFDD Bureau decided to set up a pool of associate scientists. They will be able to participate in different processes as scientists, for example by giving a presentation to the members on the state of knowledge on a specific topic for which they have the necessary scientific expertise.

Here is the updated list of members of the Pool of Associate Scientists:

  • Joris Beckers (University Antwerp)
  • Anne Bergmans (University Antwerp)
  • Barbara Briers (University Antwerp)
  • Andrea Catellani (UCLouvain)
  • Veroline Cauberghe (University Ghent)
  • Simon Chabrillat (Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
  • Maarten Crivits (UGent)
  • Estelle De Bruyn (Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage)
  • Jacques de Gerlache (GreenFacts)
  • Liselotte De Ligne (University Ghent)
  • Marc Heyndrickx (Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research Flanders)
  • Wannes Hubau (University Ghent)
  • Luc Int Panis (Flemish Institution for Technological Research)
  • Wouter Lefebvre (Flemish Institution for Technological Research)
  • Sébastien Lizin (University Hasselt)
  • Bernard Longdoz (University Liege)
  • Alice Mouton (University Liege)
  • Adeline Otto (Catholique University of Louvain)
  • Marijke Steeman (University Ghent)
  • Michel Van Camp (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences)
  • Boris Verbrugge (Catholique University of Louvain)
  • Massimiliano Virgilio (Royal Museum for Central Africa)
  • Karen Allacker (KULeuven)

In order to avoid any conflict of interest, the secretariat maintains a list of declarations of interest. These are made available to the citizen on detailed request (

Would you like to be a member of the pool? The FRDO-CFDD periodically opens the door to new candidates. Simply send an e-mail to, and you will receive all the necessary information.

Comments, questions or suggestions?