Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 of April 2024 | 9:30 – 17:30 | Residence Palace, Wetstraat 155, 1040 Brussels
- 8:30: Registration + welcome coffee
- 9:30: Welcome speech – H.E. Zakia Khattabi, Belgian Federal Minister of Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal
- 9:40: Presentation: European Climate Risk Assessment – Leena Ylä-Mononen, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (presentation)
- 10:10: Adaptation Policy: where are we and where are we going? – Elena Višnar Malinovská, Head of the climate adaptation & resilience unit in DG Climate Action of the European Commission and deputy director (presentation)
- 10:30: Q&A
- 10:45: Limits to adaptation – Prof. Em. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, UCLouvain, former Vice-chair of IPCC (presentation)
- 11:00: Q&A
- 11:15: Coffee break
- 11:45: Panel discussion: EU Climate Risk Assessment and the future of European adaptation policies
- Leena Ylä-Mononen, European Environment Agency
- Elena Višnar Malinovská, DG Climate Action of the European Commission
- Prof. Em. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, UCLouvain, former Vice-chair of IPCC
- Prof. Peter Thorne, EEAC (Maynooth University & Irish Council on Climate Change)
- 12:45: Lunch break
Session « Financing of adaptation »
- 14:00: European Investment Bank plan for adaptation to climate change – Stephen O’Driscoll, Head of Environment, Climate and Social Policy at the European Investment Bank (presentation)
- 14:15: Enhancing the insurance sector’s contribution to climate adaptation – Leigh Wolfrom, Policy analyst at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs (presentation)
- 14:30: The Landscape of Financing Strategies for Adaptation in Developing Countries – Aleksandra Novikova, Head of Department at the Energy Efficiency and Climate Finance/Research Academy (IKEM)
- 14:45: Q&A
Session « Adapation and Resilience: how to leave no one behind? »
- 15:00: Just transition in Europe: the fairness dimension in adaptation – Kęstutis Kupšys, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) & Vice-President, Lithuanian Consumers Alliance
- 15:15: Recommendations for a worker friendly adaptation strategy – Ben Lennon, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation
- 15:30: Climate change and Health – Prof. Josep Maria Antó-Boqué, Senior Research Professor at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGLOBAL), co-chair of the Lancet Countdown in Europe, and member of the Advisory Council for Sustainable Development of Catalonia (presentation)
- 15:45: Q&A
- 16:00: Coffee break
- 16:30: Panel discussion: Adaptation Policy Best Practices as guidance for a changing climate
- Luc Bas, Director of the Climate and Environment Risk Assessment Centre (CERAC)
- Katalin Sipos, Council member NFFT, Director of the WWF, Expert nature-based solutions
- Josef Settele, Council member of the SRU, Prof Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ
- Filipe Duarte Santos, President of the Portuguese Environmental Council, Portuguese geophysicist and professor in the field of environmental sciences
- Krijn Poppe, Council member of the RLI, former policy and economics advisor at Wageningen Economic Research (WUR)
- 17:15: Closing speech – Arnau Queralt-Bassa (EEAC)
- 8:30: Registration + welcome coffee
- 9:30: Opening speech – Jean-Pascal van Ypersele (UC LOUVAIN)
Presentations of the adaptation strategy of our neighbouring countries
- 9:40: The Netherlands: Chantal Oudkerk Pool, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (presentation)
- 9:55: Germany: Thomas Abeling, Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
- 10:10: France: Video by the minister
- 10:25: Luxembourg: Bruno Alves, Attaché de Gouvernement at the Luxembourgish Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity (presentation)
- 10:40: Coffee break
- 11:00: Belgium: Jelle Dehaen, Climate Department of the Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment (presentation)
- 11:20: Q&A: questions by the public asked via slido. There will be a slido to post statements. 3 most popular will be a topic for the panel.
- 11:40: Panel discussion, prepared questions + 3 most popular statements from the statement Slido
- 12h30: Lunch break
Afternoon sessions
- 13h30-15h00: 1st session: lessons learned from the 2021 floods 30 min/speaker (2 speakers) + 30 q&a via slido
- 13h30: Project Mahretak by Giulia Stroink, Euregio Maas-Rijn Incidentbestrijding en Crisisbeheersing (presentation)
- 14h00: Project Fier by Cécile Catoir, Symsageb, Boulogne sur Mer (F) (presentation)
- 14h30: Q&A questions by the public asked via slido. Statements page will be open but no statements will be answered!
- 15h00 : Coffee break
- 15h30 2nd session: International/interregional collaboration on events caused/aggravated by Climate change 30 min/speaker (2 speakers) + 30 min q&a via slido
- 15h30: Paragon Project by Martijn Mol, Nationaal Crisiscentrum (presentation)
- 16h00: interreg 2Seas: manual international collaboration: Bart Vonk, Rijkswaterstaat (Water, Verkeer en Leefomgeving) Nederland (presentation)
- 16h30: Q&A questions by the public asked via slido. Statements page will be open but no statements will be answered!
- 17h00: Closing speech – Patrick Dupriez, Chairman FRDO-CFDD
The conference will be held in English. The event is full. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to register.
It will not be possible to follow the conference online.
For any questions concerning this conference, please contact alexis.dallasta@frdo-cfdd.be (for the conference of the 23/04) or lize.boelanders@frdo-cfdd.be (for the conference of the 24/04).