20211130 and 20211201 – Aligning finance with sustainable development: what role for public authorities and the financial sector?

Where and when:
Tuesday, 30 November 2021: Government Performance | 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. | Digital & Wednesday 1 December 2021: The role of the financial sector | 10:00 am to 12:00 pm | Digital

Dear visitor,

You are cordially invited to the seminars on financing the transition towards the sustainable development goals in Belgium on November 30 and December 1. Following the new corona measures, you can only attend them online. So the physical seminar will unfortunately not take place. They will be chaired by professors Jean-Pascal VAN YPERSELE (UCLouvain) and Brent BLEYS (UGent).



Today, the financial resources devoted to the sustainable development goals are largely insufficient. Public and private investments, financial products and taxation must be consistent with these goals. Next to the action of the European Union for sustainable finance and to the related legislation, several initiatives can be taken by national public authorities and by the financial sector.

Objectives of the seminars

The seminars aim to inform you more broadly on such opportunities for action. For example, national sustainable finance strategies are already set up in other EU member states. What about Belgium ? The seminars focus respectively on the action of public authorities (November 30) and on the role of the financial sector (December 1).





Tuesday 30 November 2021 : Government action

10:00 am – 12:00 am

  • Introduction

Mathilde VERMEIRE (Office of Deputy Prime Minister Vincent VAN PETEGHEM) and Anthony BAERT (Office of Deputy Prime Minister Petra DE SUTTER)

  • The Sustainable Finance Strategy in Germany (file)

Karsten LÖFFLER, Chairman of the Sustainable Finance Committee of the German Government

  • The Sustainable Finance Strategy in Luxembourg (file)

Claire DE BOURSETTY, Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (presentation Claire De Boursetty) – Claudine LORANG, High Council for Sustainable Development of Luxembourg (presentation Claudine Lorang)

  • Subsidies to fossil fuels in Belgium (file)

Jean-Baptiste TRAVERSA, FPS Finance – Samantha HAULOTTE, FPS Health (presentation Traversa and Haulotte)


Wednesday 1 December 2021 : The role of the financial sector

10:00 am  – 12:00 am

  • Sustainable saving and investing in Belgium (file)

Professor Luc VAN LIEDEKERKE, University of Antwerp and Forum Ethibel (presentation Luc Van Liedekerke)

  • How to fight with greenwashing in Belgium ?

Annemie ROMBOUTS, FSMA (presentation Annemie Rombouts)

  • How to strengthen social responsibility of the financial sector in Belgium ?

Tom VAN DEN BERGHE, Febelfin (presentation Tom Van Den Berghe)

Thomas VAN CRAEN, Triodos Bank (presentation Thomas Van Craen)


The seminar of November 30 will be conducted in English. The seminar of December 1 will be conducted in Dutch and French. No translation will be provided.

For any question regarding these seminars you can contact Nathalie.Boucquey@frdo-cfdd.beSven.Vermassen@frdo-cfdd.be

Comments, questions or suggestions?